FFW Founders
Below, we share a list of the Fund’s original Founders, a giving category that was retired on December 31, 2013, and consists of donors who contributed $1,000 or more between 2009 and 2013. The Fund thanks the original Founders for their generosity and support.
Maureen Ackerman
Florence Agosta
SooHee Ahn
Susan Aiello
Vani Akula
Gigi Alvare
Jan Amann
Wendy Amin
Leora Amir
Melanie Anastasio
Catherine Anderjack
Nancy Andrews
Leslie Antos
Ulrike Appelt
Joan Argetsinger
Renu Badrinarayan
Gail Baity
Rebecca Baker
Vishoka Balasubramanian
Jean Bange
Kyra Bannister
Jennifer Batzing
Debbie Bennett
Susan Berry
Rita Biesen
Caroline Bissmeyer
Margot Bliven
Suzanne Blowers
Barbara Blumer
Heather Boek
Anne Brand
Dawn Burlew
Ann Campbell
Cheryl Capps
Colleen Caravati
Karen Carozza
Jeanne Cavuoti
Karyn Cepek
Rakiba Chowdhury
Polly Chu
Eleanor Cicerchi
Carolyn Clack
Cathy Clark
Mary Cleland
Michelle Ann Cole
Barbara Connors
Mary Beth Conwell
Peigi Cook
Madonna Cornelissen
Jean Cortright
Elisabeth Corveleyn
Sarah Creath
Kristin Crossland
Cheri Crozier
Susan Curran
Sadie Cutler
Kimberly Cutler
Jane Cutler
Pam Dejneka
Michele Donegan
Patricia Donnelly
Claudette Doran
Katherine Douglas
Clover Drinkwater
Nancy Earley
Melanie Ebert-ljaika
Lynette Estep
Lynnette Eusden
Judy Ewell
Coleen Fabrizi
Jane Fastiggi
Sandra Felthousen
Rose Flatt
Catherine Fortier
Kim Frock
Marianne Furfure
Karen Fusco
Joann Galpin
Jaclyn Gammaro
Vivian Gernand
Kathryn Gerwig
Patti Gilchrist
Carey Gillis
Cynthia Giroux
Cheryl Glasgow
Janice Glover
Nancy Golomb
Penny Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Mimi Gridley
Sophia Gudenrath
Amy Gush
Patricia Hairston
Sandra Hall
Denise Hauselt
Christine Heckle
Susan Heine
Barbara Heller
Kevyn Hennessey
Randi Hewit
Janet Hinman
Laura Hluck
Amy Irvine
Renee Jacobson
Elise Johnson-Schmidt
Linda Jolly
Maureen Jordan
Rebecca Kellogg
Patricia Killian
Ann Marie Kinlin
Pamela Lally
Adele Lanahan
Beth Landin
Hilda Lando
Connie Lapp
Margie Lawlor
Diane Legendre
Catherine Liles
Kathryn Littleton
Nancy Lively
Stafford Lyons
Georgiana MacMahon
Shirley Magana
Sheila Mahady
Mary Major
Sarwat Malik
Susan Maney
Miriam Martinez
Anita Matthews
Mary Beth Maxa
Debbie Mays
Laurette Mazeau
Carol McGill
Laura McGrath
Judith McInerny
Judith McIntosh
Marie McKee
Janet McLaughlin
Barbara R McLean
Beth Meehan
Christine Meier
Mila Meier
Karen Meriwether
Deborah Mills
Susan Morse
Rhonda Morton
Amy Muldowny
Jane Muuse
Kaye Newbury
Marissa Newhouse
Ann Nicholson
Susan Nye-Bleiler
Jennifer O’Hara
Ellen Barnes O’Hare
Patricia Odinak
Tina Oldknow
Santona Pal
Cecilia Palmer
Sara Palmer
Susie Palombo
Christine Pambianchi
Valerie Parkhouse
Michelle Pastel
Nina Patel
Meleny Peacock
Patricia Pease
Joy Perry
Odessa Petzold
Lynn Pifer
Lisa Pilling
Jayne Pomplas
Theresa Ponader
Jacqueline Pope
Rebecca Price
Kathy Rauch
Maryanne Rittenhouse
Kay Rogus
Millicent Ruffin
Christy Schafer
Kristina Schneider
Pamela Schneider
Susan Schuppert
Amy Schwartz
Bridget Searles
Christine Sharkey
Donna Shaut
Karen Simons
Bonnie Sirianni
Diana Sirianni
Jamie Sirianni
PK Smith
Betsy Snyder
Judy Sphon
Renee Spisak
Christine Sproule
Sharon Stone
Becky Stranges
Lisa Strayer
Maria Strinni-Gill
Cathy Sutton
Kristin Swain
Carol Taber
Penny Tanneberger
Jennifer Tarnoski
Natasha Thompson
Patricia Thompson
Elizabeth Tranter
Jaishree Trikha
Katheryn Tripeny
Mary Tripeny
Jodi Turner
Debra Turner Bailey
Mimi Updegraff
Suzanne Valicenti
Jill VanDewoestine
Marjorie VanVleet
Robin Vargas
Rosalyn Vazquez
Elizabeth Vileno
Cathy Volanakis
Jennifer Walker
Pamela Walker
Marcia Weber
Olivia Weeks
Alice Weeman
Elizabeth Welch
Nicole West
Anella Wetter
Ristiina Wigg
Karol Wight
Alison Wolfe
Rachel Wood
Marianne Young
Penny Zonneville